Eric Church [unreleased song] - Still Standing Their Gorund (lyrics video)

 Eric Church

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In tough times, we’ve always counted on music to help make sense of the crazy world around us. And right now, it’s as crazy as I’ve ever seen. Once again, country music has risen to the occasion.

Written over 10 years ago, it never made an album, although Eric once said he would put it on the next album if Hank Jr. didn’t record it. He recorded it for his live 61 Days In Church album, played it at the Opry, and there’s a few YouTube performance floating around the interwebs, but that’s pretty much it.
And today, with the world at war with COVID-19, it still feels more relevant than ever. To the doctors, nurses, first responders, essential personnel… all of whom are still standing their ground on the front lines of this global pandemic.

#EricChurch #UnreleasedSong #Chief #StillStandingTheirGround

I swear I'm not making any money from this video so please don't delete it. Thank you Youtube!

Date Added: 2023-11-11

Category: Eric Church

Watched 78 times

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